Hy, I'm Sujith Somraaj

On a mission to create protocols that can structure and pave way for a secure and less chaotic financial world inclusive of all. My days if split into 80/20 are spent across building cool products at Superform and securing the ecosystem at Spearbit.

I possess a wide spectrum of skills, ranging from NextJs for web development to crafting complex Solidity smart contracts, as well as building sophisticated applications in Rust and Go.


Security Profile On Cantina

EIP6170 - Cross-Chain Messaging Interface

On their own, atoms have limited capabilities, but when compounded, they can achieve wonders. Similarly, individual L1 blockchains are like atoms in the financial space, but a compounded network can accomplish great things. EIP-6170 is a pioneer in this regard, enabling cross-chain transactions and paving the way for a more interconnected financial ecosystem.

Superform Core

a cross-chain yield marketplace for 4626 powered by Hyperlane, LayerZero, Wormhole, LIFI and Socket


a cross-chain yield marketplace for 4626 powered by Hyperlane, LayerZero, Wormhole, LIFI and Socket


a foundry development tool for crosschain apps simulating more than 6 different message bridges


major contributor to multi-bridge product, soon to be used by Uniswap's Governance

Superform Beta Contracts

developed the core smart contracts of superform.xyz from ideation to a working prototype.

Infinite Approval Checker

a ETHGlobal 2021 project to check and revoke approvals (created before the issue became viral)

Execution Layer Aggregator

a ETHGlobal NYC 2023 project implementing a common execution layer using Hyperlane


a research project aimed at incorporating intelligence into smart contracts

I ❤️ Writing

Freelance Contributor

General Blog

Want to Work Together?

Feel free to say a friendly hello to somraajsujith@gmail.com (or) ping me on telegram @sujith_somraaj